
Light of the World International Church 12th Annual A. Jean Battie Education Fund Luncheon

Benefitting Minority Students Seeking Higher Education

Light of the World International Church in conjunction with the A. Jean Battie Education Fund Committee and the Community Foundation of Sarasota County held its 12th Annual Fundraiser on Saturday, February 22, 2025. This year’s luncheon drew a record attendance of just over 250 at Michael’s on East. Three High School Seniors were awarded scholarships based on their Black History essay submittals in the amounts of $ 3 , 5 0 0 , $2,000 and $,1,500.

The Fund named in honor of the late Mrs. A. Jean Battie commemorates her more than thirty years of service to the Sarasota County school district, and the fund has awarded over $100,000

to deserving minority students from Sarasota and Manatee counties since its inception in 2012. It is managed by the Community Foundation of Sarasota County.

Jonathan Dewitty, an accomplished violinist provided the luncheon’s entertainment, and he wowed the guests with several selections including the National Black Anthem. Sanaya Lumpkin a 7th grade gifted, straight A student, was fantastic as the program’s MC.

The Committee’s “2024 Red Apple Award” which was created to honor longtime, dedicated educators was presented to Ms. Ronnique L. Major. Ms. Major is a fifth grade teacher at Emma

E. Booker Elementary School where she has taught for 26 years. In December 2024 she was named the 2024 Sarasota County Schools Teacher of the year.

Additionally, Hank B a tti e , Chair of the Fund announced that going forward it will be renamed the A. Jean Battie Education Fund. Subsequently, the fund has adopted three early educational programs to partner with, they are Children First, The BEE Learning Center and ASALA Freedom School.

We congratulate the 2025 Essay Winners and wish them well in their future endeavors!

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