President of Newtown Nation
We are challenged with many disparities in Newtown, we must wake up, get out of our emotions and put to work the faith we say we have.
Observations: We are experiencing disparities by injustices on every hand. Jobs (when we have the qualification for jobs and yet be paid as unskilled laborer (Davis Bacon low wage), the injustices with the police and court system, in our bills(we pay more because of our zip code) and then there is housing (unfairness and the workers are treated as second class citizens). All these things are taking place because we won’t WAKE UP!
We want to hold everyone accountable but ourselves, we allow money, fame and promises control our emotions which by itself is a divide when it comes with manipulation and lies. We are looking and yet can’t see. We have allowed so much to happen in Newtown by keeping our mouths closed. Go along to get along is what we have done, but the change need to stop today! We have said Commissioner Shaw hasn’t done anything but the question should be WHAT have you done? Have you went and express your concerns at the table, where you could be heard? Have you held him accountable for anything you feel he has done(outside of talking among yourselves)? What advisory board did you take time to apply for or served on? You see we all have a part to do in order to be effective in this community. We know the developers and the wealthy want our only community and we are playing into their hands, you find the weakest link and it’s on because that one will use their friendship to persuade you to sway in your mind. I will be the first to admit more could have been done however as I watch the commission meetings I must tell you the people on that commission was fine as long as they had the votes going their way, but the minute Mr. Shaw stopped going along then it became a problem. For instance: The Lido Beach Pavilion project, the Garage and Restaurant that the Builders Exchange wanted to see happen, the Orchestra and don’t forget the famous Selby Gardens, know something NONE of these was going to help NEWTOWN not even a job in their elect establishments. The money that are available to Newtown to uplift the outside of buildings, do the parks and roads. Even at that applications cause for things that Newtown resident don’t have or the cost is so much till it’s useless to Newtown residents. Why buy big trucks when you make get one or two jobs a year. The Fred Atkins Park, the money is there to finish it, what happen? That’s not Commissioner Shaw that lies with the City Manager and Deputy City Manager if we aren’t careful that will be gone because it has a time limit. Things were bad before Mr. Willie Charles Shaw got there.
Our eyes are off what is really happening and that is the injustices that are occurring everyday because we are so busy having fun and want somebody else to make your decisions. Commissioner Shaw has one vote, why didn’t any other commissioner do something there is three votes without Commissioner Shaw.
Being mad with someone and not confront them with the ought that you hold in your heart against them/him, then you present the problem. We talk about love but you should be able to talk to people you love unless you have deceived yourself, let’s get it together. We are heading right to the enemy meaning a take over and guess what more than Commissioner Shaw was with Ringling if the truth be told, look at those that have and still say they speak for NEWTOWN!
WE all must cast our votes, our choice, I ask you whatever you decide don’t do it out of anger or madness, don’t move out of your emotions but what you believe to be right.
Many may not like this but this is my story.
You may contact Valerie Buchand by phone at (941) 544-3262