Project Ownership101 and Better Tomorrow presented 1st Annual Father/ Daughter & Mother/ Son Dance with Families from Newtown Community
These were both beautiful events that put forth a great emphasis on family values. The legendary Mr. Fred Atkins and Ms. Valerie Buchand were both guest speakers that gave words of inspiration that left a lasting impression on everyone to carry with us for the rest of our lives.
The importance of these events were to teach the significance of showing our children how to love the right way. The Father/ Daughter Dance allowed fathers to see their daughters from an entirely new perspective. This event showed daughters the proper way that they should expect to be treated by a proper gentleman. The young ladies received their tiaras and both fathers and daughters were treated like pure royalty.

The Mother/ Son Dance with Chef Tommy Lyons brought a different type of ambiance that these families will never forget. Mothers crowned their sons and were willing to see them as the young kings that they are, giving them back to God so they could grow into the young men that God will have them to become. It was amazing to see the strong attachment of love that young men have to their mothers but to understand that they must walk into their manhood with the love of God teaching them how to become greater. Most importantly this event taught them how to be the perfect gentleman to a woman that you adore.
We appreciate the family participation from the SOAR program that inspired us to really want to do something special for the families in our community.
We give a special thanks to Mrs. Shavonda Griffin, Mrs. Anita Kierce, Ms. Anastasia Dilego, Mrs. Erica McNeal and Mr. Elbert Griffin that all put forth efforts in bringing these events to life for the greater good of our community.