Queens Of Domestic Violence Awareness, Inc.: A Victim’s Advocate
Rhonda Calahan radio planned for
For years, Rhonda Calahan was the victim of domestic violence. As in most cases, when she tried to break it off with her partner, she was unable to do so. But then she decided she would not stay in a relationship where she was disrespected and called derogatory names. She knew her partner was not going to change so she made up her mind that she was done. But before she could put her plan into action, the inevitable happened. She was attacked by her partner and stabbed 30 times, beaten and choked. But Calahan is a survivor. Now she wants to reach out and help other women who might be victims of domestic violence. Thus, Queens of Domestic Violence Awareness, Inc. was born. Queens of DVA – as it is known – is a non-profit organization 501c3 whose mission is to bring domestic violence awareness to the community and to the world. The organization assists families who experience or are threatened with domestic violence. They provide emotional support and self-advocacy, and through community partnerships and a continuum of services, the group focuses on safety and empowerment. Additionally, the agency aims to reduce related social problems, such as child abuse, sexual assault, sexism, and other forms of abuse. Though birthed out of a painful incident, Queens of Domestic Violence Awareness want women to know that they do not have to stay in an abusive relationship.
“Our long term goal is to have a safe place for women and children after they leave a shelter and to be able to provide clothing and other necessities so that they don’t have to go back to the home for anything,” Calahan said. “We want to help with relocation and any other services they might be in need of.”
After that violent attack, Calahan was able to put her life back together.

“I went to SPARCC (Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center) for help and they assigned me to an advocate who made me feel safe and strong because, believe me, I was a total mess at that time.” The advocate went to court with her. “I will never forget the day of my trial when she walked me over to the courthouse, sat with me and began to tell me her story of her abuse. Looking at her, I never would have thought that she had gone through domestic violence. Her talk gave me strength so that I could walk in that courtroom with courage, feeling that I can do this and knowing that I’m not the only one,”
she said. Calahan is now a victim’s advocate for SPARCC and is on the sexual assault hospital response team. She visits victims in all of the hospitals in Sarasota County when she is on call. “I made a promise to the Lord that I was going to do whatever I could to help other victims because the Lord saved my life for a reason. I had to do something and becoming an advocate was one of them,” she said. “I want to be able to impact lives and give strength and encouragement to others.” Calahan is also grateful for her pastor, Rev. Kelvin Lumpkin, Light of the World International Church, who has been a tremendous support to her. She leads a small group at her church which is how Queens got started.
“There are 18 women in the group and we go out and speak at boys and girls clubs, detention centers, on radio and tv, jails and churches about domestic violence. We want them to learn at an early age how to treat women,” she said. “We hope to spread the word whenever and wherever we can.”
Callahan is a mother of a son and daughter and two grandchildren. She has been a hairstylist for the past 28 years. If you are interested in becoming involved with the group, email Queens19odva@gmail.com. or call 941-549-3827. A fundraiser benefit is planned for Sunday, August 25th at 6:00 p.m. at The Venue on St. Armand’s Circle. In October, Queens will host a Domestic Violence Awareness prayer breakfast and a prayer walk. On September 14, the group will sponsors their first annual King and Queen Ball. For more information and tickets, please visit the website Queensofdva.com. The group meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Please email for more information.