Corey L. Posey named Diversity Equality and Inclusive Officer at USF Sarasota-Manatee.
Corey L. Posey, a native of East Orange New Jersey, will diversify The University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee as the Diversity Equality and Inclusive Officer. Posey says creating diversity on the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus is about more than seeing various races on the campus. He wants to reach people who have various religions, genders, sexual orientations, socioeconomic backgrounds.
“It’s not just racial,” said Posey. “There’s a lot of conversation about intersectionality and the various identities that everyone carries. So, it’s finding that common point between yourself and another group and that be the basis of conversation.”
Posey’s position resulted from the work of both the Community Diversity Advisory Council and the USFSM Chancellor’s Advisory Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

“This is not Corey’s job this is all of our job and it starts with the community,”
said Shawn Ahearn, the Director of Communications and Marketing at USFSM. “We had a community advisory council, a bunch of people in the community from underrepresented groups that told us what they needed.” Ahearn said one of those needs was more follow through and a point person who could create programs and fulfill the needs of both councils. In this position, Posey will build the Diversity and Inclusion Program on the campus.
“On this campus we want people to get to know each other to learn what those various identities are,” said Posey. His plan is to diversify the campus by “building partnerships.” “Obviously I am one person in a one-person office, so I really have to work with people like Shawn and other leaders on campus to build systems that will bring us the diversity that we are looking for,”
said Posey. Posey further explains that The University of South Florida SarasotaManatee is a part of the community and as a member of the community he wants the university to help students “break down barriers.” “There are barriers that exist that keep students from coming to college or finishing their high school diploma. We want to break those barriers down,” said Posey. Posey earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore in Sociology and Salisbury University in Social Work. He is currently completing a doctorate in higher education at The Ohio State University where he received his master’s degree in higher education and student affairs. “The lasting message I want to leave is there’s no one answer or solution to a certain group. You have to get involved with what’s going on in those communities,” said Posey. He wants the University to be an asset to furthering the education of people in the community. “I am very thankful that I was selected to serve in this seat,” said Posey. “We will reach out to everyone who wants to partner with ustoseehowwecan further workforce development, career development, and families on this campus.” USFSM knows the work of diversity and inclusion is never finished, but they are excited about the work Corey Posey will do on the campus.