PATHWAYS TO FAITH: What Does God Require Of You In 2019?

we hear individuals discuss their faith and their relationship with God
as if they think God’s will for their lives changes with the seasons.
Each year I enjoy reminding our readers, that we serve an unchanging God
(Malachi 3:6). The scripture at Hebrews 13: 8 says, “Jesus is the same
yesterday, today, and forever.” The remainder of Chapter 13 warns us
about being carried about by “various and strange doctrine.” In other
words, we are encouraged to hold fast to the pure Word of God.
Therefore, as we enter 2019 we need to answer the question: “What does
God require?” Approximately twenty-eight hundred years ago when God’s
chosen people were being unfair, unjust, and hostile toward God and
their neighbors, God was not pleased and warned of dire consequences for
their misconduct. They rebelled against the laws of God and operated
according to their own understanding. The children of Israel and Judah
during the time of the prophet Micah were behaving much like the
generation of today. Through the prophet Micah, the Lord complained
about their belligerence and disrespect for Him and His Law. (See Micah
6:2). God was not pleased with their rebellious and disobedient
behavior. Today we continue to enjoy all of the wonderful things God has
done to deliver us from evil and Continued on Page 10 to position us
with the ability to have the gift of eternal life through a personal
relationship with His beloved Son, Jesus. God desires His people to
serve Him while enjoying the fruit of the land. Instead of faithfulness
and obedience to the Word of God, many are behaving like the children of
Israel and Judah did in Micah’s time. As we enter the year 2019, we
must turn back to God and away from the ways of the world if we truly
desire to spend eternity with Christ. Notice what God required of His
people at Micah 6:8, (NKJV) “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and
what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and
to walk humbly with your God.”
The prophet is telling us in very
simplistic language that God’s requirements then and now instructs us
to do what is fair and just to your neighbors, to be compassionate
toward one another, and to walk in humility during this earthly journey.
Micah implores us to learn to love and not hate. We must stop scheming
to take advantage of others instead of seeking ways to express love and
care for one another. We should always seek to find ways to help each
other advance on our kingdom journey. Most of all we are told to put
aside our arrogance, pride and self-importance so we can walk with God
as humble and submitted servants. Our hearts and minds must focus on
doing good works for the Lord in service to mankind. If we keep these
simple words of the prophet in our hearts and spirit as we move into
2019, we will do what God requires. We are praying God will give each of
you a prosperous and Happy New Year. Join the Pathways family at 9:00
A.M. on January 1, 2019 for our “Sweet Hour of Prayer” a New Year’s
praise, prayer and communion service. This is a one-hour service to give
thanks for the blessing of a new year. A free continental brunch will
be served following the service. The service will be held at the
Pathways Center, 329 6th Avenue West, Bradenton, Florida. Call (941)
748-0509 for more information. We hope to see you there as we join in
pray for a peaceful and prosperous new year.
Dr. Holley is the
Senior Pastor at Pathways Christian Fellowship in Bradenton, Florida.
Contact Dr. Holley at