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Let’s Talk: “Florida High School Student Breaks 19 Year Long Jump Record”

Judith Doyle Williams

Mikayla A. M. Williams daughter of native Sarasota parents Brenton and Tabatha Williams, on February 25, 2022, at the Emerald Coast Classic broke Niceville Florida High, 19-year-old school record of 18.30 feet in Long Jump’s. Mikayla a junior, currently holds the record at Niceville High in Long Jump’s at 18.60 feet.

Mikayla stated, “it is not easy, you work hard and there are times when the competition is not fair.”  Her daily routine includes getting up at 5:30 am to catch her bus to school, getting home after practice between 5-6:00 pm and Saturday practice. After doing her chores and homework, she has an hour of relaxation before bed. Sleep is important, because it helps her to focus on her classes and perform better at practice. After being injured the week after the Emerald Coast Classic; she now has a better understanding of why it is important to get good grades. Diet is also important because if she eats food that is not good for her before a track meet, it can make her sick and she will not be able to compete at her best.

Finding a sport or activity your child can excel in is a wonderful way to build their character and discipline. Mikayla tried basketball and playing the piano. Neither one was a good fit for her. Track and field became her passion. There are so many different extracurricular activities for a child to become involved in. To name a few: dance, the school newspaper, debate clubs, tennis, and swimming. Being a part of an extracurricular activity helps to develop skills like teamwork, understanding other cultures, and realizing defeat is not the end.

We all have a gift with which we are born. Trying, is not what defeats us. Defeat happens when we get off the road of self-discovery and stop trying.

Congratulations Mikayla A.M. Williams. Job well done.