Manatee County Habitat for Humanity’s first “Interfaith Build” home will be dedicated in a noontime ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 17. Homeowners-to-be Jackie and Marvin Kendall will share this moment with their family, friends, sponsors and volunteers at the house they helped build. Members of ten faith organizations and employees of Beall’s Inc., along with other Habitat volunteers, worked on the construction of the house and helped raise the funds for the building materials.
“I am truly overwhelmed with all the people who have helped on this house. It is an awesome experience to share, to learn and actually help build the house we going to live in,”

Jackie Kendall said The Kendalls and their grandson Marcus are the Habitat Interfaith Build family who is purchasing the house with a zero interest mortgage. Marvin is a custodian at Suncoast Behavioral Health Center in Bradenton and Jackie is a housekeeper in private homes and a “minister outside the walls of church.” Marcus attends Southeast High School. Early on, the Interfaith Build Steering Committee – consisting of representatives of ten participating groups – identified three purposes of their project: •to build a singlefamily affordable home in Manatee County •to build a coalition of faith communities serving God •to witness their unity and their service to the local community The other Interfaith Build Founding Organizations are: Church of the Annunciation, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Trinity Lutheran Church, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church and St. Armand’s Key Lutheran Church. Collectively the faith organizations raised just under $44,000. Habitat Home sponsor Beall’s Inc. also provided funding and the company’s employees donated over 200 hours of volunteer labor on the house. Beall’s has sponsored this home through the Community Contribution Tax Credit Program. After the ceremony a reception will be held at the home of May Lizzie Jennings, 624 11th Ave. E. It’s a short walk from the Kendall house.