


Bob Johnson is a man whose heart and spirit has always been deeply in involved in community and the people within it by giving his time, money and support and who so often has remained a quiet shadow in the background not asking for attention or applause but there are those who feel the time has come for Bob Johnson to hear “Thank you” and a standing ovation and applause for all the things he has done.

Johnson is a very astute and successful businessman who came to own several car dealerships despite the civil inequalities and racism at the time he was establishing his car dealership. Johnson didn’t stop going forward and achieved against the odds and barriers he faced. Johnson is a man who gives quietly and supports the community without hesitation and helps to foster the dreams of others and rarely gets the recognition or applause of all he does. Case in point, the West Coast Black Theatre Troupe would not be where it is today had it not been for the giving and generosity of Johnson. When the theater began, finances were almost non-existent and making month to month expenses were near to impossible. Johnson stepped up and paid salaries, paid utility bills, paid for the necessities to keep the theater company going and solvent. According to James Taylor, long-time friend of Johnson, without the generous financial support of Johnson on a constant basis the theater would have closed. Taylor also said that realtor; Ian Black was a large part of the theater remaining open to rehearse and to bring in audiences by allowing the Troupe to pay minuscule amount of rent for the building they were in until WBTT became financially solvent. Black and Johnson worked side by side for several years to insure that the needs of the theater troupe were met and the company remained open and viable. Although the West Coast Black Theatre Troupe is now solvent, thriving and on an upward trajectory, it is where it is today and growing because Bob Johnson was the wallet, benefactor, giving angel with business acumen and a faithful friend to the troupe. Ian Black is a large part of the equation as well in the theater’s success today. The community and the theater owes a great deal to Johnson for his willingness to put his money where he felt it was needed and his belief that Nate Jacobs could succeed if he could make it through the hard, lean financial days in its beginning. We can only hope that the West Coast Theater Troupe, Nate Jacobs and all those who benefit from the wonderful shows the troupe presents and the awards won keep in mind where they came from and the persons who made it possible. Let’s hope the thank you,, the flowers, plaques and awards are given while Johnson is around to hear them and for Black as well. Reach for the stars is good advice and even greater advice is,

“Never forget where you came from.” The West Coast Black Theater Troupe came from the generosity and love of Bob Johnson.

So, from the community and all those who attend the theater you helped to survive and thrive, we thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.