
African American Cultural Center Holds Annual Kwanzaa Celebration

Emma E. Booker ES Chorus.

The African American Cultural Center celebrated Kwanzaa on December 13, 2018 at the North Sarasota Public Library. This unique African American holiday celebrates family, culture and community. It is meant to be shared with the widest community possible, welcoming everyone to share its joy. The program included African traditional rituals including requesting the Elders’ permission to begin, libations to those who have gone before us, honoring and remembering them. The reason why we cele brate Kwanzaa, meaning of the Ngozo Saba, the seven principles of Kwanzaa and their symbols and meanings were shared. Truly intergeneration performances and cultural expressions followed and included the Emma E. Booker Elementary School chorus under the direction of Francesca Veglia. There was music by Zionne Williams, a saxophonist from Booker High School’s VPA program and a musical performance by cellist Lois Wilkins, accompanied by Dr. Marcia KindallSmith. Dr. KindallSmith also led the audience in “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” There were spoken word presentations by Dr. Phyllis Brown and Priscilla Crumel. An audience participation in African dance was led by Dr. Queen Zabriskie of New College. Drumming was performed by Maceo throughout the program. The celebration concluded with Dr. Lonetta Gaines leading the audience of 115 participants in the Harambee chant. A “karamu” or feast prepared by Mrs. Rosalind Hill was then shared together by all.